Mystery Venue-9 December'12 TT
Time Out & Traveltime offers friendship and fun                       Travelling down roads least travelled                                    Visiting places not normally seen by tourists                                Great company and excellent meals are to be expected                              It transfers you out of your everyday life!


TRAVELTIME - Previous Outings

Part One
25th-27th November '11

Day 2: Saturday 26th November - Greyton

The tour group presented a pretty picture in front of the bougainvillea. Breakfast is over and we are heading up the main road to the local farmers market.

The morning started with "no water". A burst water main resulted in the local municipality switching off the water supply at 06h30 which caused a problem for everyone. The bucket brigade providing water for the toilets. Some of us decided to go for an early morning walk, hoping that the problem would be over on our return. This was not to be, so we had breakfast and went to the market. The water was only restored around 11h00.!

The Saturday farmers market in Greyton provides locals with the means of stocking up on fresh produce, bakery items and for tourists to buy locally produced craft.

Biscuits and toffee apples. The apples were quickly snapped for breakfast up by the children at right.

The pancakes and lemon curd proved to be a hit, with the "cooks" feeding a never ending line. Mel is undecided whether or not to buy a chair.
A local inhabitant (right) enjoying her breakfast with "out of towners'".
Mel checking the chair again before deciding whether to buy it. She then discussed it with Johan, our driver, to see whether it would fit in the trailer. This done, the cash changed hands! The shopping done, it was time to head back to the hotel, but first we need to stop on the corner to compare pruchases!

Following Di McOnie's chance meeting with a Greyton resident at the Elgin open garden show recently, she arranged to view a few gardens in Greyton this afternoon. There really are some special gardens in Greyton.

During our recent recce in the area we came across this fantastic lodge and wedding venue. The Oaks Estate was too small for our group to stay in, however we decide to take our group for a "site visit" coupled with tea and cake, this afternoon

The estate is 10km from Greyton and is extremely well appointed.

The owners wife, Lize-Marie organised a "sit down" tea for us in her wedding venue. This is really a special place, worthy of another visit.

Dinner tonight was in Peccadillo's, directly across the road from the Posthouse. It had started to rain on our return from Oaks Estate, so we had to huddle under umbrellas when crossing the road.

Lamb shanks was the order of the day. Some even preferred dessert instead of a starter. Great meals.

DAY 1 Day 3
Published 2nd December '11