Barnyard Theatre - 9th Feb'14TT
Time Out & Traveltime offers friendship and fun                       Travelling down roads least travelled                                    Visiting places not normally seen by tourists                                Great company and excellent meals are to be expected                              It transfers you out of your everyday life!



Please complete the form below to join
Time Out Ladies Club

PO Box  
    Special dietary requirements
    Medical Aid details & Membership Number
    Any existing medical conditions (confidential)
    No internet access or email?  Please provide preferred postal information to allow us to send information via post.


Membership Conditions
  • There is no annual membership fee unless you require us to print and post the monthly newsletters. (R240.00 per annum includes both Traveltime & Time Out newsletters). This fee becomes payable on the 1st July each year and is non refundable. Should you join during the year a reduced fee is payable based on the number of months remaining.

  • A monthly newsletter will be published on our website, advising of forthcoming events, date, cost and meeting place for departure. A report back on the previous month’s outing will be included

  • Outings to places of interest will be arranged on a monthly basis. Members can decide whether to attend, but must advise their participation by booking on time, and depositing the required fee for the particular outing into the referenced banking account by the specified date. (Banking details on request).

  • Members can choose to bring guests, however there will be a premium of R20.00 per guest

  • Transport will be arranged to destinations outside of Cape Town. Some local venues may require that you make your own transport arrangements, resulting in cost savings

  • Outings will be scheduled to accommodate 44 members. Where bookings for a particular outing are lower than what is required, Time Out Ladies Club   reserves the right to either re-schedule  the outing or reduce numbers to suit the next smaller coach, on a “first come first served basis”. A price difference may apply.

  • The transport provider (normally Hylton Ross) provides a Passenger Liability Insurance Cover for all trips, however for any activities you undertake outside of the transport are done entirely at your own risk, for which you accept full responsibility  and hereby indemnify Timeout Ladies Club / Traveltime and it's operators / organisers.

  • Liability & Insurance
    In addition and without limitation, Time Out Ladies Club is not responsible for any injury, loss, death, inconvenience, delay or damage to personal property in connection with the provision of any goods or services whether resulting from but not limited to acts of God or force majeure, illness, disease, acts of war, civil unrest, insurrection or revolt, animals, strikes or other labour activities, criminal or terrorist activities of any kind, overbooking or downgrading of services, food poisoning, mechanical or other failure of aircraft or other means of transportation or for failure of any transportation mechanism to arrive or depart on time. Additional expenses incurred due to delays, accidents, natural disaster, political actions and unrest must be covered by the tour members.
    Participation on any tours implies full agreement to the above conditions by all parties involved.

  • The Traveller is required to have medical aid cover for local tours and full travel insurance when participating in tours out of South Africa. It is the responsibility of the Traveller to read their insurance policy before they travel and ensure that the insurance scheme provides the requisite level of cover.

Updated: 24th February 2014