Betty's Bay-September'12 TO
Time Out & Traveltime offers friendship and fun                       Travelling down roads least travelled                                    Visiting places not normally seen by tourists                                Great company and excellent meals are to be expected                              It transfers you out of your everyday life!


TIMEOUT - Previous Outings

Thursday 25th October '07

First stop today was Mooiberg Farm Stall. Strawberry picking in Cape Town is only available in season. The season begins in November which is characterised by warm weather, perfect for spending time in the outdoors. Mooiberg Farm is situated in-between Stellenbosch and Somerset West on the R44. With the backdrop of the scenic mountains and surrounded by vineyards the strawberry farm is placed in a very beautiful part of the Cape. When you arrive at the farm you collect your basket and are pointed in the direction of where you can start your picking. You may spend as much time as you like picking strawberries and you are charged per kilogram that you pick.
From the photos below it looks as though everyone was happy with the fruit they picked.

Eaglevlei is a hive of activity under the ownership of Tony Hindaugh. "Only 25 minutes from Cape Town, we offer a unique experience, from our state of the art wine tasting facility with uninterrupted views of Table Mountain and the Stellenbosch mountain range, our restaurant (Eaglevlei Restaurant) run by talented chef Herbie van Schalkwyk, an art gallery exhibiting local and international works and an arts foundation bringing local township and farm kids to Eaglevlei to learn about art, dance and theatre".

View of the restaurant Vineyard Kitchen, above left and the largest jungle gym in the Western Cape (right).
The start of lunch, which proved to be well worth the wait. The wine was also great.

We used the opportunity to transport some items collected for refugees being housed in the Southern Suburbs. My unpaid help was at hand to assist in loading the coach.

A cheerful friend is like a sunny day spreading brightness all around.
- John Lubcock ( English Astronomer )