Betty's Bay-September'12 TO
Time Out & Traveltime offers friendship and fun                       Travelling down roads least travelled                                    Visiting places not normally seen by tourists                                Great company and excellent meals are to be expected                              It transfers you out of your everyday life!


TIMEOUT - Previous Outings

Thursday 24th February 2011


Darling is the heartbeat of the west coast region. The thriving  little village lies tucked away between hills of vineyards and golden  wheat fields and is the business hub for the surrounding areas. The town is strategically well positioned only 75km from Cape Town along the  West Coast road.

As is usual when heading out in a westerly direction, the Constantia group were first to be collected, followed by Tableview. By the time we reached the Jakkalsfontein turnoff along the R27, it was time for a comfort break and for those who missed breakfast, to indulge in a quick snack. Vyge Valley Farm Stall was just the place to stop.
The Farm Stall stocks farm breads, great pies, pastries, homemade jams, local crafts, curios and indigenous plants. There is a safe outside area for children, with a playground and farm animals. The Darling Wynhuis is on the same premises and stocks wines from the area.

First stop in Darling was at the home of Margee Gough, seen (right) with Joan & Diana.
"Once I’m on a roll I get so busy you can’t stop me. I become obsessed. People don’t understand it,” says Margee Gough

Her embroidery is unbelievable.  The needlewomen amongst the Time Out Ladies Club members, appreciated the work that goes into each piece displayed.

We had some time to spare before lunch, so went to look at the museum. Ingrid was caught reminiscing about her days in the typing pool, when Typex was in vogue!

A local Darling lady spotted our coach outside the Museum, and before long, had the ladies enthralled with her knowledge of the museum and Darling.  She promoted everything, and encouraged the ladies to book for all the festivals.

Caroline and Yvonne took "TimeOut" outside the museum to catch up with each other.  We then went down to Evita se Perron where the lovely air conditioned restaurant was the perfect place to order a cold drink.

The Marmalade Cat in the Main Road was our venue for lunch today.  They had seated everyone inside which was lovely and cool.  It being a very hot day in darling even the courtyard outside seemed balmy!

Yvonne, Molly and Jenny look very happy - who wouldn't with those gorgeous desserts waiting to be eaten.  Pavlova with vanilla ice cream and delicious fresh fruit.  Meanwhile Brenda made sure she was stocked up with provisions from the deep freeze.  "Who wants to cook after a day out" she said.

What is Ingrid so excited about? Could it be the stuffed doll she was dancing with? 

If we could sell our experiences for what they cost us, we would all be millionaires.
- Abigail Van Buren
Published 25th February 2011