Surprise-December '11 TT
Time Out & Traveltime offers friendship and fun                       Travelling down roads least travelled                                    Visiting places not normally seen by tourists                                Great company and excellent meals are to be expected                              It transfers you out of your everyday life!


TRAVELTIME- Previous Outings

21st to 24th July '09
Days 3 & 4

The day dawned with a light dusting of snow which soon dissipated. The temperature outside was "freezing" so it was a small consolation to be inside the church. The grand old organ in the Sutherland Church was a revelation for us all. Carol had arranged for Tante Marie to do an organ recital. Everyone just sat 'lost in thought' with a few remembering certain of the tunes fondly!  The wedding march played with such love by Tante Marie was fantastic.

Ian thoroughly enjoyed being, at times,  the only guy around - and he sported a range of  beanies. Is he in competition with us ladies? The second photo shows us all outside Jurg's star gazing facility, before we went to view the succulents that grow in the area.  Rita from Kambro Kind is so knowledgeable on all these plants.  Joanne found just the spot in the Sutherland Hotel to wile away the time.

HOME OF HEADACHE - Outside the local bottle store in Sutherland - Spot the locals!  We were so determined to get our photo taken that we asked the locals to 'remove' themselves from the shelter outside the local bottle store.  However, great puzzlement that a group of ladies wanted their photos taken under  'their' shelter!

Here is one of Rita's prized plants - she is delighted that it is showing such promise indoors and flowering for all to enjoy.  Aiza won our prize for Miss Sutherland - her prize - first to go outside to enjoy a smoke in the cold!  Leigh kept adding wood to the fire at Kambro Kind which made for a cozy fire to share the afternoon with new-found friends.

After all the experiences in Sutherland, many of us didn't battle to have a cat-nap on the coach back to the city.  Lunch was at Opstal - such a delightful restaurant with a view that surpasses any other!  Linda and Maureen posed for the photographer - "Nice smiles now please"

A fitting end to our trip away - to join in a long table and laugh and chat with new-found friends is one of life's little pleasures.  Denise ordered the seafood risotto and proceeded to eat in front of us all. The rest of us opted for main and dessert. The dessert was totally decadent - chocolate and nut brownie with ice cream!  Grab the scales and head to Weight Watchers was heard from everyone!
Our previous trip to Sutherland was over 3 days. This trip provided an extra day and proved to be more restful, with more "me time".
Thank you all for sharing this time with me. I look forward to sharing another destination with you in the near future. (Carol)

"We live in a wonderful country that is full of beauty, charm and adventure.
There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open."

DAYS 1 & 2:  (Click Here)