Devon Valley - 27th June '13TO
Time Out & Traveltime offers friendship and fun                       Travelling down roads least travelled                                    Visiting places not normally seen by tourists                                Great company and excellent meals are to be expected                              It transfers you out of your everyday life!


TRAVELTIME - Previous Outings

27th -31st August 12

Day 4:Thursday 30th August - Hantam National Botanical Garden

A visit to the Nieuwoudtville area is not complete without a tour of the Hantam National Botanical Garden.

Early in the morning we headed 25 km out of Nieuwoudtville to the Quiver Tree forest.  Cecelia knows a lot about nature and she imparted her knowledge to us all.

Marie and Marion struck up a friendship under on of the quiver trees.  Joy and Joan from Natal had not seen quiver trees before and were fascinated.

The waterfall outside Nieuwoudtville is a refreshing stop and Cecelia seemed 'lost-in-thought'.  Marie had such a beautiful jersey on - perfect for flower viewing.

Lunch today was at the Blik Bazaar just outside of Nieuwoudtville where Belinda is establishing a "restaurant".  One could call Belinda the recycle queen as is evident in some of the old enamel plates she has for sale in her shop.

It's always good to have some 'me' time on tour and here, Henk from Hylton Ross shares the lunch table with all the Flower travellers.  We were entertained by a man who enjoyed singing SO much that he was very hesitant to leave. 

An old Bedford bus is used for the tour at Hantam and crawls along at a snails pace.  It makes us feel like we're on an old school bus all over again.

"Come now let' get going" everyone seems to be saying.  Eugene a botanist had us all entertained with his vast knowledge of bulbs and flowers.

The fields at Hantam are so special at this time of the year.  Flower after flower bloom and it is a spectacle to see.

A close up of some of these blooms shows an absolutely unbelievable intererior.  Nature is certainly unbelievable.
Day 5: Homeward Bound (Via Piketberg)

On the road between Clanwilliam and Citrusdal there are several 10 minute stop-and-wait areas!  It made our journey seem a bit longer but all too soon we had reached Feathers Inn in Piketberg.

The staff at Feathers Inn coped so well with our lunch.  Perfect for on-the-road travelers!  No long waits in a coffee shop where you get frustrated.  No sooner had we placed our drinks order, than they were through with our pot pies........with mash and green beans.  Delicious....

Having dodged the rain all day we arrived back at Dolphin Beach and were caught in a downpour whilst unloading the trailer and transferring passengers to the shuttles for onward transport to their homes.

Flowers don't worry about how they are going to bloom. 
They just open up and turn toward the light and that makes them beautiful. 
~Jim Carrey
DAY 1 DAYS 2 & 3
Published 6th September '12