Death leaves a heartache no one can heal;
Love leaves a memory no one can steal
In Remembrance
Ann Buxton
5th September 2019
Dear Ann, holds so many memories in all our hearts. Sadly, she passed away at the age of 92 after a battle with cancer.
Copy of Carol’s tribute to Ann given at her wake held on 12th September.
Our dear Ann holds very many lovely memories amongst us all –I’d love to add a few precious memories I have of Ann. I met Ann in May 2004 when she started coming on our Time Out coach trips. That is over 15 years of special tours spent with her.
I know Jon said he wanted HAPPY memories of Ann and another one Brian and I still have a good laugh about was when Ann came with us to Namibia in 2009. After checking into our accommodation late in the day Ann told Brian she’d ‘lost’ her camera. She said it was in her bag and accused staff at the lodge of stealing her camera out of her bag – We both loved just how adamant and stubborn she was that it had been stolen, despite Brian saying “Check your luggage” she came sheepishly the next morning to say she’d found the camera in her luggage!! – Strong, strong character which I’m sure I don’t have to tell you Jon and Jenny!
I have a funny moment when in 2010 we all went to lunch at a restaurant at Big Bay (it was World Cup time) and I could not get coaches, as they were all busy in the city - so we used our own cars. The restaurant served us leek soup and had fresh leaks on everyone’s side plates as décor! Blow me down if Ann didn’t go around after the lunch and collect all the décor to take home to make soup – not before she put a leak in her mouth and two flowers (one behind each ear) for a photo – I still can see this precious time! –a precious memory for me! Sure, she had a bit of Scottish blood in her veins – WASTE NOT – WANT NOT!!
I know amongst the ladies here today they will have many a story to tell – Ann was just like this wormed her way into your heart to ever stay there!
We will all miss Ann a lot but are comforted that dear Ann is now in a better place – and for sure I am almost certain she will be organising a party with the angels in her life right now!
Ronnie Vogt
13th July 2018
Our dear Ronnie Vogt – what a pleasure to know such a genuine gentleman.
Husband to Marie who is such a regular on many of our trips, and he became known as almost a Time Outer with his presence on many of our day trips.
We all loved Ronnie – he regularly called the group of ladies “His Harem” – unfortunately, most times he had to share the group with Brian – but somehow, they never argued over this –they both just enjoyed the attention they received from the ladies!
Ronnie was a very capable man and worked well into his 80’s in a company he had formed – Anderson, Vogt Consulting. When he became ill, he worked less and less, and Marie tells the story that she wanted him to make the decision to stop working! This came from Ron one day. Brian often enjoyed sharing the projects with Ronnie in his garage.
Ron and Marie had a passion for travelling and share many fabulous cruise holidays together – the memories of these help Marie at times.
He was very passionate about Marie and they share a special relationship.
His favourite endearment was “My Babes” – we all know Marie still misses the love she shared with Ronnie.
We all miss Ronnie and so enjoyed sharing the many tours we did with him
“In French, you don’t really say “I miss you”, you say “Tu me manques” which means “You are missing from me.”
Gillie Pegrum
6th September 2016
Some people come into your lives and you
never forget them,
Gillie was just such a person in my life—
I became very fond of Gillie over the many years that I knew her.
What a tremendous zest she had for life—we all can remember her great sense of humor!
She went through many years of heartache with Bill her husband when he was ill, and then Gillie’s health started failing!
I can only imagine what she went through - yet in all the time I never once heard Gillie complain. Near the end of her life she
became frail and we all knew she was more than ready to go! What an absolute honor to have a row and a half filled in the Catholic Church at her memorial service with all you wonderful people, and to hear from Gillie’s family, in their tributes, how much Time Out and Traveltime meant in her life.
GO WELL my dear friend, Gillie - loved by many - you are already missed
Ann Barnes
22nd May 2016
Ann Barnes passed away on 22nd May. Ann, we will miss you—your soft, gentle nature is how we will all remember you!
I was so very pleased to see how many of you made an effort to go to Ann’s memorial service. Thank you - I know her daughters were so very pleased to see us all.
Trish Cunningham
8th May 2014
Trish Cunningham's son Patrick contacted us following her passing:
Hello Carol,
I'm sorry to have to tell you this way but mum died on Thursday in the Countess Mountbatten Hospice here in Southampton. I was with her at the end.
Her health went downhill a month ago so she was admitted to the hospice. The staff there are brilliant & care she received was exemplary. The hope was always that she could return to her apartment were she was very comfortable & happy but unfortunately it wasn't to be.
I'm sorry you didn't get chance to communicate with her but withdrawal is part of the dying process so please don't think she was being unkind. Also, I'm sorry it's taken me so long to reply but there is so much arranging to do after death, even when expected, on top of the emotional strain. Her funeral will be on the 20th but I will scatter her ashes back in CT, which was her wish.
Would you please pass on the news to Linda and all the girls. I'd also like to thank you for being a good friend to mum over the years and remember all the happy times together, as she fondly did.
Best wishes,
Patrick Cunningham
Babs Pentz
6th June 2013
It is with sadness that we report that Babs Pentz passed away at 4.00 pm on Thursday 6th June. Her sister Marie and husband Ronnie are very saddened by this, but those of you who knew Babs and her circumstances over the past years, will agree that she is now in a better place!
Veronica Burzelman
3rd June 2013
Sadly Veronica Burzelman passed away on 3rd June. She had spent six weeks in hospital with a brief time at the home of her daughter, Gillian.
Veronica will be sadly missed by all the members of the Time Out Ladies Club & Traveltime.
We will remember her for her gentle spirit and enthusiasm and love of travelling. She was always willing to help, often giving me newspaper clips of venues for future trips.
Gwen Rennison
28th April 2013
Gwen joined Time Out in early 2005 – she was very active on the tours always bringing a friend along to share the days with her. My personal memory of Gwen is on a Spring Flower Tour when she insisted on stopping the coach each time we saw cows “Just for another photograph, please Carol”
She was always extremely well groomed and a beautiful woman. We will all remember her bubbly personality. Unfortunately, cancer took hold of her body which prevented her from joining the tours and for the last 5 years she battled this disease, having many treatments.
Gwen will be missed by all who knew her. RIP dear Gwen
Sue Cowley
13th March 2009
We met Sue and Margaret through the Time Out Club. Sue was a lovely person, such a serene lady, expressing a gentleness and positiveness wherever and whenever we met. Never showing her 'down' days, she handled her illness with great fortitude. She always appeared cheerful and at peace.
Our love and thoughts are with Margaret and family at this sad time. Russell & Cynthia
Colleen Mulder
28th January 2007
On the 28th January 2007 Colleen Mulder lost her battle with cancer. What a brave battle she fought. Those close to her will know that in the 18 months or so that Colleen was sick - not once when you asked how she was, did you get anything but a positive response.
She will be very dearly missed in our Club. I particularly, will miss her bubbly personality - her positive approach to everything and I know many other members love Colleen as much as I do!
A memorial service was held @ Dolphin Beach on 31/01 - thanks to all who attended! What a moving service!