TOUR REPORT WEST COAST NATIONAL PARK Postberg Flower Reserve Friday 24th August 2018
What do you do if you’re a tour operator and every weather report read a few days before your tour, say’s “100% rain” for the day you have arranged to go into the West Coast National Park to view Spring Flowers?
Well, best to do is to send out an early email suggesting a change-of-day! Thankfully we only ‘lost’ 4 bookings and everyone else were able to swap the day – and thank-goodness! My goodness, we could not have chosen a better day. NO waiting in line to get into the Park & a totally clear day. The outlook was excellent for a wonderful day of flower viewing.
We started off at Tsaarbank where we enjoyed coffee/tea and biscuits at what must be the best place in the Park. With the waves crashing over the large rocks, it was interesting to hear comments like “Wow paradise on earth” / “Look at the size of the waves!” – a wonderful prelude of what was to come.
We entered Postberg Flower Reserve (which is only open for 2 months of the year), by about 11h30 and what waited for us was even more exciting. What seemed to be a ‘new’ thing in the Park is that they are allowing people to leave the road and take to the paths and walk amongst the flowers! This is an exciting addition and most people observe “not leaving the paths” and walking directly on, or near, the flowers.
It is quite amazing how different areas of the Park have predominance of colours. White dominates all over the Park, but you do get sections with loads of pink flowers / or areas that are predominately yellow / and up the hill you always get a few blue flowers – sadly these were not fully open, but one still gets stunning views of Langebaan & Saldanha going up the hill.
We all counted ourselves so very privileged to have witnessed what we did – at times the patches of colour actually ‘hurt your eyes’ – of course, by midday there were many more people in the park, but, what a privilege to see so many people out enjoying nature!
The stop at the top of the hill overlooking Langebaan was like “Eloff Street in JHB” on a busy Saturday morning, but once again, so very nice to witness people who come prepared and have their tables and chairs and make the most of their time in the Park!
A decision was made there and then, that in future, everyone should bring along a packed lunch. It is stressful to try to still fit in a lunch at the only place in the Park – Geelbek, and get back to the city in good time. Then, of course, the restaurant is busy with folk seeking a meal, so one has to wait a while!
All told it was a day ‘par excellence’ in the Park – such a treat for nature lovers – I felt very privileged to have 10 ladies with me on tour and be able to share this natural beauty with them!